"Grandma" Carol walks 1/2 mile daily from the North Camp to bring supplies to the Warriors at the Front Line.
The Reverend Jessie Jackson and Mark Ruffalo come to the Front Line offering prayers and support the day before the incursion.
Front Line Water Protector.
Water Protectors at the Front Line.
Prayers at the Front Line shortly after the Sheriff and State Police leave on the morning before the incursion.
Campsite at Oceti Sakowin.
Front Line.
Water Protectors line the highway at the North Camp on the day of the incursion.
The Sheriff is joined by State Troopers from 7-states and the military as the incursion begins. The port-a-potty and flags in the background mark the Front Line.
A barricade on the highway between the Front Line and the North Camp.
A Water Protector from the Kickapoo Nation stands on the embankment while military humvees watch from the east.
Water Protectors stand in peaceful defiance.
A barricade on the embankment is set on fire.
Progress is stalled to allow for the fire to be put out and the debris to be removed.
"Move back" "Come forward"
Warrior Woman on horseback.
A Water Protector asks the crowd to move back.
Red Warrior.
A lone warrior stands his ground.
Water Protectors are asked to move back.
Tempers escalate.
"We are doing this for your families too."
Standoff to the west of the highway. The paved area to the left is where the pipeline is intended to come through.
Barricade on the west embankment of the highway.
A Water Protector holds sage while recording the incursion.
DAPL crews move in from the west.
Arms locked in a peaceful standoff on the east side of highway at the front end of the North Camp.
Standoff at the front of the North Camp.
Arms locked in prayer. North Camp.
A peaceful standoff on the west embankment.
Warriors gather to block DAPL to the west.
Water Protectors in the North Camp.
A proud Rosebud Warrior ties herself to her flag post in the North Camp.
Police move in from the west.
Warrior women embrace and stand in solidarity before eventually being arrested.
Water Protectors on the west side of highway.
Standoff on the west.
A Water Protector is arrested to the west.
Guarding the west embankment.
Moving the Water Protectors back while a sniper points his weapon towards us.
Dan Namakin prays with water on the highway. He will eventually be beat and arrested for this action.
Water Protectors on the highway.
Another barricade is set up on the highway outside of the North Camp. Water Protectors chain themselves inside, and to the undercarriage of the truck.
Warriors walk away from DAPL private security to the west.
Prayers for the water on the highway.
A tipi is set up on the highway.
Prayer ties are placed on the tipi frame.
Prayers at the North Camp.
Mní Wičhóni
A piece of wood is thrown at the police on the highway.
North Camp.
A tipi is desecrated with spray paint to indicate it is empty.
Sage in the North Camp.
Prayers for the water.
Police have patience during the prayer.
Patience runs thin as bean bags, rubber bullets and pepper spray is used against the Water Protectors.
A grandfather from Minnesota sits on the ground in the North Camp and is arrested.
The last line of defense.
A medic assists a young Water Protector after she was pepper sprayed.
A flute player on the west embankment.
he North Camp has been taken.
Water Protectors continue to move south.
The North Camp has been taken as the crowd begins to move back towards the South Camp and Backwater Bridge.
Trucks burn in the distance to light the black night, as Warriors break up the highway on Backwater Bridge.
The aftermath at Backwater Bridge.
With Backwater Bridge barricaded it was easy for the Sheriff to keep the Water Protectors at bay, as they were surrounded by water separating the north from the south. This would be the location of the most notable standoff between the Water Protectors and the police, which would last into February of 2017.
Concertina wire and concrete barricades would eventually line the north end of the bridge essentially cutting off all access to the north. Police would use water cannons in below freezing temperatures agains the Water Protectors, and DAPL would continue to dig to complete the pipeline.